Saturday, January 26, 2008

Books that make you dumber

Books that make you dumber.
This is an interesting "scientific" study that correlates S.A.T. scores, college reading etc. and uses these statistics to decipher, well, books that make people dumber. In a nutshell, if you're reading The Bible it might be time to grab your license, go to the local library and check out a new book before the men in the white coats come for you. For starters, "100 Years of Solitude" is a great read.

One book that is not on this list is "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Arguably, this book makes people dumber than any other out there. I am a huge proponent of the power of positive thinking and have read some works on it, my favorite being "Succeed & Grow Rich Through Persuasion" by Napoleon Hill. However, unlike Byrne, Hills methodology requires much, much, more action and much less wishful thinking. Action, with a positive mindset while performing, coupled with visions of successful results during performance is my mantra. Is she claiming that through the "Law of Attraction", while laying on my couch, I can manifest myself money, success or even Scarlett Johansson? I don't think so. Truly one that will outlast the ages of dumbness.

Below is the official list and study, minus "The Secret." Hopefully reading about books that make you dumber won't actually make you any dumber than you already are.
Books that make you dumber.

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